The one thing I hope I never have to hear you say…

The one thing I hope I never have to hear you say…

Words I long never to hear you have to say, “It might have been.”

Don’t utter them sweetheart…

Don’t even think them for a minute. 

Don’t even think for a moment that this dream of yours might not be.

Instead, listen deeply to hear in your heart the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Don’t be pushed by your problems.  Be led by your dreams.”

Please, don’t worry that it won’t all be.

It will be.

I promise it will be…

I know you’re feeling depleted right now.

I know you’re wondering where you’ll ever get the energy from to move forward.

Oh, it’d be so much easier just to bury your head back in the sand.

Crawl back into bed.

Sleep for a week.

Disappear and never have to deal with any of this.

But let me ask you this…

What life, art, work, business, dream, are you dying to be creating?

What great love of your life, perfect business idea, artful creation, masterpiece of masterpieces are you missing out on experiencing because you’re scared to move fully forward?

What is it that you desire most inside your heart?

What is it that you aren’t doing right now, right here in this moment that you are longing to do?

Just know you are only one decision away from a completely different life.

From creating the very life you’ve been dreaming of.

What if I told you that your success was absolutely guaranteed?

Absolutely guaranteed…

What bold steps would you be taking?

Baby steps are awesome too…

Yes, use them to inch yourself forward beautifully, slowly.

And then know that the time will come when you will need to take that first bold step.

Oh, it won’t feel like a baby step at all.

It’ll scare you.

It’ll make you tremble just a little bit.

Sometimes more than a little bit.

What if this isn’t such a good idea after all?

What if this ends up less than perfect?

What if I’ve gotten it all wrong…Again.

Wouldn’t it be so much easier to forget you ever held this dream of creating the life, the work, the art, the business you truly long to be living?

Wouldn’t it be easier not to live out loud?

Wouldn’t it be easier not to chase after all of this greatness?

To just let things remain quietly as they are.

I know.

I get worried too.

That whatever beautiful, perfect thing I’m trying to create isn’t going to be so perfect after all.

And then I remember…

The Universe has our back.

Success is guaranteed.

I’m making you promises here…

Promising you that while things might not turn out exactly as you imagine.

They will turn out just fine.

Even better than fine.

They are going to turn out brilliantly.


Perfectly in just their own way.

You just need to risk it.

Take the first bold step forward.

And then another.

And another.

So here’s to taking your boldest step to date.

Let go of the baby steps and feel the power of a run.

And when you do…

Just know I’m right here waiting.

Arms open in the biggest hug imaginable.

And I’ll be celebrating all of you.


Big, bold, creative steps forward,


P.S. If you like what you’re reading, please click "Like," leave me a comment, forward to a friend, or share on social media.  All of these gestures make my day, my week, my year.  Thank you, and please know, I’m sending you a 2016 filled with the most Magnificent of Outcomes imaginable!